Monday, January 17, 2011

Kristen Wiig's killer Bolo Tie (SNL The Cape Parody)

If you like super heroes who get their powers from pieces of clothing, then you'll love these new NBC shows!

"It's a dude!" =^)

Kristen gets a laugh with the fist shot of her swinging her bolo tie. The gun shots from her tie fail to get a laugh. That's the problem with a taped piece like this... you can't cut jokes from the live show. You're sort of stuck with what you got when parts aren't funny.

It was funny at the beginning with the Scarf (Nasim Pedrad), Andy Samberg made it funny being naked with the Leg Warmer, and Jason Sudeikis was pretty funny as the Scrunchie. Other than that, the joke was getting old fast.

Genius on NBC's part, because making fun of their own show is a great way to advertise it and make it live potentially longer than the show itself. =^)


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