Monday, April 19, 2010

Kristen Wiig is Sue Ferrigno in ESPN Classic

Show: Today Sponge Women's Weightlifting Championship 1986

This women's tournament from 1986 is sponsored by Today's Sponge.

Ryan Phillippe ... Olivia Newton Cougar Mellencamp
Will Forte ... Greg Stink
Jason Sudeikis ... Pete Twinkle
Kristen Wiig ... Sue Ferrigno

This is an interesting skit for two reasons. First, they've done the skit 5 times this season, which has to be a record. Second, Kristen is in every skit, but she plays a different character every time.

I think they play it because Jason is hilarious, it has decent variety, and and the crowd just seems to go ballistic at Jason's feminity jokes.

Why do you think they keep doing it?



  1. I was really hoping they would have done this skit when Gabourey's one of my favorites. And ha - I just noticed the correlation between Lou Ferrigno and Sue Ferrigno!

  2. Laura, yeah the Lou Ferrigno gag is light and silly, but you might as well throw those in every once in awhile. =^)

    - TAE


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