Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kristen Wiig - Interview (Jenny Slate's cursing on SNL & a film with Judd)

Read about Jenny Slate's curse flub here:

Wiig admits she was a nervous wreck when she started on the show four years ago, and her biggest fear was keeping her foul mouth in check - something Slate failed to do when she dropped the F-bomb on the "SNL" season premiere two weeks ago.

"When I drop something, I say 's-,'" Wiig says in the upcoming Entertainment Weekly. "If I do something wrong, I say, 'f-.' I'm so nervous I'm going to say a line and go, 'Oh, s-. I mean, 'f-!'" And even though the funnygirl has a great gig at "SNL," she insists it's still just a job. "I think people expect me to talk in voices when I order dinner," she says. "I'm not like that. Comedy is just one thing I do, and I can't wait to branch out and do other things."

Wiig never liked speaking in public, but after an acting class in college she dropped out of school and tried to make it in Los Angeles. "I just packed my car and drove there and didn't tell my parents," says Wiig. "But they were okay with it later."

Upon arriving in L.A., Wiig felt insecure about her lack of acting experience and instead held a series of odd jobs to make ends meet, including stints at Anthropologie and Hollywood Hot Dog. "My first time back to Rochester [her hometown], a friend called and said that she heard that I moved to L.A. because a psychic told me to, and that I have my own hot dog stand on the street. I didn't really know how to defend myself. I was like, ˜Yeah. That's what happened. Absolutely."

She has other films coming up and is co-writing a comedy script for Judd Apatow.

So is Wiig worried about burnout? "I take pretty good care of myself. I know when to say, ˜I gotta go home and go to bed. So far I haven't passed out," she says. But I have been dizzy."


Part of Kristen's stamina is that most of her movies have been a week of work or less. Even Whip It was filmed in a few short weeks. So she'll probably have to slow down as she gets more starring roles.


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